Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City atmospheric screenshot

[Update #2]: The Steam Awards 2021 winners have now been revealed, and I'm happy to say the Steam community has voted for a quality batch of games!

[Update]: Steam's Winter Sale is landing on December 22nd alongside the Steam Awards voting process.

I hope your will is strong, because Steam's massive Autumn sale has now arrived! While there are once again no fun gimmicks to mess around with, the good news is that Autumn sale has brought with it a truly immense number of games at equally immense discounts.

If you're not exactly sure which games to go for, however, allow me to share with you some of the ones I've enjoyed over the past few years. Here they are, in no particular order:

• Dark Souls Remastered - (~20€, 50% discount) 

 Dying Light - (~12€, 60% discount) 

• Resident Evil 7 - (~10€, 67% discount) 

• Grim Dawn - (~6€, 75% discount) 

 Control Ultimate Edition - (~12€, 70% discount) 

• Hollow Knight - (~7.5€, 50% discount) 

 Outer Wilds - (~12.5€, 40% discount) 

It's also worth mentioning that the nominations for the Steam Awards have now begun. In order to participate all you have to do is head on over to the nominations page, select your favorites from a variety of categories, and hope for the best. 

The actual voting process will happen during the Steam Winter Sale, while the winners will be announced on January 3rd. Given that the Steam Awards are an entirely community driven effort chances are high that you'll see some outlandish candidates pop up, and perhaps even win, so I'd recommend not taking the whole thing too seriously. It's more of a celebration of great games than it is an actual awards ceremony.

Have fun with the nominations, as well as any new games you might pick up!

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