Street Fighter V character contrasted by a lovely background

[Update]: If you encountered any issues throughout the free trial, you'll be glad to hear Capcom will soon be improving the netcode!

If you ever wanted to give Street Fighter V a try and see what all the fuss is about, this would be a pretty good opportunity. As a part of a Steam free weekend promotion, Street Fighter V will be entirely free to play for the next three days. All you have to do is head on over to Steam and download yourself a copy while the promotion is still live.

More importantly, for the duration of the free weekend, all 39 of Street Fighter V's characters will be fully unlocked! So even if you're a Street Fighter veteran, it's probably worth coming back just to check out some of the characters you may have missed.

For example, here's one of the official previews showcasing the newly released (and extremely cheesy) character Seth. Have a gander, he's certainly an odd one:

Finally, if you find yourself liking the gameplay and wanting to continue, it's also worth mentioning that Street Fighter V is currently on a 60% discount. The sale will last until February 17th, however, so make sure to play as much of the free weekend as you can before making a decision.

Have fun!

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