Early alpha screenshot from System Shock 3

Despite being officially announced all the way back in 2015, there is very little you can currently learn about System Shock 3 and its development process. In fact, the silence was so deafening that many have started thinking System Shock 3 ran into trouble, much like the System Shock remaster, but I am very glad to say that this is not the case.

Not only is System Shock 3 still on track, but the developers have now also released its very first teaser trailer highlighting the ever-present SHODAN and some of the new enemies. Have a gander, and don't worry about any sort of spoilers as it's only a small teaser:

Personally, I am going to approach System Shock 3 with some cautious optimism. While the footage shown so far certainly looks like it belongs in the System Shock universe, OtherSide Entertainment's previous work on Underworld Ascendant has not exactly been stellar, so the ultimate fate of System Shock 3 is currently up in the air. I certainly hope it'll end up being excellent, because the world sure could use more sci-fi horror games!

Whatever the case may be, you can learn a tiny bit more about System Shock 3, as well as follow its development moving forward, over at the official website.

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