Screenshot of The Walking Dead's Negan from his Tekken 7 appearance

[Update]: Tekken 7's Season 4 patch has greatly improved the Netcode and added the nimble Kunimitsu!

Bandai Namco has now announced that Tekken 7 will be getting its next two characters on February 28th. The first one is Julia Chang, and this shouldn't come as much of a surprise given that she has made quite a few appearances since Tekken 3. However, unlike most of her previous incarnations, Tekken 7's Julia will not be wearing a Native American inspired outfit, but rather a more modern one.

As for the second character, it is none other than The Walking Dead's 'big bad' Negan. Naturally, Negan's weapon of choice will be his barbed-wire bat Lucille, while his finishing move will be one of the most iconic scenes from both the comics and the show. I won't go into any details in order to avoid spoiling anything, but let's just say it doesn't end well for the other guy!

You can get a pretty good idea of what Julia and Negan look like in-game, as well as what sort of moves they can pull off, by checking out the recently posted trailer. Have a gander:

Julia and Negan will be arriving for 'free' to all owners of the second Season Pass, while everyone else will need to purchase them individually. Julia will set you back $5, while Negan will be a bit higher at $8. Whether they're actually worth the price or not, that I'll leave for you to decide. 

You can learn more about Tekken 7, as well as the two upcoming characters, over at the official website.

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