Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season screenshot of Clementine fighting off a zombie

After around six years of adventures, Clementine's story will finally be getting concluded with the aptly named The Walking Dead: The Final Season. While the full schedule has not been confirmed just yet, you can expect to see the very first episode arrive this August 14th.

If you're wondering what exactly it's going to be about, as well as what Clementine looks and acts like nowadays, you'll find the answer you seek in the recently posted preview down below. The video shows off the first ~15 minutes from the initial episode, so while you will get a pretty darn good idea of what The Final Season is all about, it is important to mention that there will be plenty of minor spoilers sprinkled throughout the video as well. So if you don't mind having some of the starting choices and consequences revealed to you, here's the rather interesting preview:

I'll reserve my judgement for when the episode finally comes out, but the stuff shown so far is definitely enough to pique my interest. I'm especially curious about what sort of story Telltale is going to be running with, because while the final season needs to be the most memorable and exciting one, it's very easy to overdo the drama and essentially nullify everything that happened in the previous seasons. Personally, I'm hoping they'll do a little bit of everything by including multiple endings, all based on the actions you've done throughout the entire series. Now that would be a proper sendoff!

Once more information comes in I'll make sure to let you know, but until then you can visit the official website to learn just a little bit more.

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