Screenshot of the tactical multiplayer shooter Squad

Squad is a 50 vs 50 tactical multiplayer shooter that aims to be as realistic as it can possibly be. So if team-based strategies and methodical FPS gameplay sound like something you would love to mess around with, you'll be glad to hear that Squad is free to try out for the next two days!

Simply head on over to Steam, click on that giant green "Play Game" button, and you'll be getting riddled with bullets in no time. If you need a bit more information before diving in, however, allow me to share with you the relatively old "Introduction to Squad" video. The gameplay might be outdated, but it should still give you a pretty damn good idea of what to expect from Squad. Have a look:

If you find yourself having a lot of fun with Squad, you'll also be glad to hear that its going to be on a 50% discount until November 13th. It looks like the sale will only last for the duration of the free weekend, so make sure to get plenty of playtime in before you're faced with the decision on whether to buy it or not. Have fun, and if you would like to learn a little bit more you should visit the official website.

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