Resident Evil 4 official artwork without logo showing off Leon

[Update]: Resident Evil 4 VR is heading over to Oculus Quest 2 on October 21, 2021.

If you're a fan of Resident Evil 4 you might want to strap in as I bring both good and bad news in equal measure. The good news is that after years of begging from the Resident Evil community Capcom has now finally announced a VR remake of Resident Evil 4!

The bad news, however, is that Resident Evil 4 VR will be a Oculus Quest 2 exclusive. To be even more specific, Resident Evil 4 VR will not be making its way to any other VR device, including Oculus' previous headsets like the original Quest! So you either own a Quest 2, or you're out of luck.

When it comes to the actual gameplay details, very little has been announced just yet. What I can tell you is that you will be able to wield both a knife and a handgun at the same time, which is a pretty exciting addition since they tend to pair up incredibly well. Other than that it seems to be a fairly faithful adaptation of Resident Evil 4, which is pretty much exactly what everyone was looking for.

You can get a little sneak peek at what Resident Evil 4 VR looks like in action through the most recent Resident Evil Showcase video. Have a gander, though don't expect much in terms of raw gameplay:

I'd love to tell you more, but that's it for the time being. You can keep an eye on any further announcements, and ideally a proper gameplay trailer, once the full reveal goes live on April 21st.

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