Peggle official screenshot of a very zen frog from the HD edition

If you're one of the few people that have somehow managed to avoid the Peggle craze a while back, you might be interested to hear that EA is now offering it for free as a part of the "On the House" program. Simply head on over to Origin, create or log in with your account, and it'll be yours to keep for good.

Much like all of the other "On the House" promotions, there is currently no end date set for the Peggle giveaway. It usually lasts for around a month, but since there is no definitive date I would suggest you err on the side of caution and grab it as soon as possible, provided you're interested in a casual puzzle game anyway.

Speaking of which, I'm genuinely not sure whether I can recommend Peggle these days. It's a darn good game and there is a very good reason it became as popular as it did, but it's gameplay style has been copied so many times over the years that I doubt it feels as unique as it once did. That said, it is still entirely free and relatively small in size, so I suppose it's still well worth a try, if for no other reason than to experience a part of gaming history.

Have fun!

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