Frostpunk official artwork without logo

If you need a bit of a distraction from the quickly rising temperatures outside, you'll be glad to hear that the icy cold survival and city management game Frostpunk is now entirely free to grab. Simply head on over to the Epic Games Store, snatch yourself a copy, and you'll be ready to go after a brief download.

Much like before, the only catch is that the giveaway is time-limited. So make sure to add Frostpunk to your account before it goes away on June 10th, after which you'll be able to play it whenever you want and for however long you want.

As for whether Frostpunk is even worth your time and effort, I would say the answer is yes if you're a fan of challenging city management games. The emphasis there really is on 'challenging' as Frostpunk is notorious for pulling the rug underneath you and leaving you in an absolutely horrible situation without too much notice. That said, all that chaos is part of what makes Frostpunk fun! You'll fail, adapt and retry time and time again, so when you finally do manage to succeed victory will taste all the sweeter!

Have fun with Frostpunk, and just for good measure I'll leave you with one of the original trailers highlighting what Frostpunk is really all about: