Artwork for Chronos from LawBreakers

LawBreakers is CliffyB's upcoming FPS with a rather casual relationship with physics and common sense. The end result is a fast-paced arena shooter that features some unique mobility options, seemingly overpowered weapons, and plenty of ways to humiliate and outplay your opponents.

If this sounds like something you might enjoy you'll be glad to hear that the closed beta has now begun. While I'm not sure if there are going to be any more invites sent out, you might as well sign up on the official website and see how your luck fares you. The closed beta event will last until March 19th, so you have plenty of chances to get in, provided the keys are indeed being sent out.

However, for those of you that have no idea what LawBreakers is even all about, allow me to show you the recently posted highlight reel from PAX East. Its obviously going to be slightly confusing and full of jump-cuts, but it should give you a damn good idea of what sort of gameplay LawBreakers is going for. Enjoy!

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