Super Lucky's Tale official logo and artwork

Lucky's Tale launched back in 2017 as an exclusive tie-in game for the Oculus Rift, and as you would expect from an early VR game it received middling reviews. This setback didn't seem to affect the developers, however, as they have just announced a VR-free sequel for the Xbox One and PC.

There are currently very few details available, as is tradition for any game announced at E3, but thankfully there is a decently lengthy gameplay video showing off both the visuals and the type of levels you'll get to explore. Have a look:

Super Lucky's Tale will be coming to PC and Xbox One on November 7th, 2017. Most importantly of all, it will be an Xbox Play anywhere title, so a single purchase will allow you to play on both PC and Xbox One. If you would like to learn a little bit more, and the emphasis here is on little, you can find what you seek on the Xbox website.

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