Factorio screenshot of a giant factory

[Update]: After nearly a decade in development, Factorio has now finally been released!

Today appears to be an extremely good day for indie developers as not one, but two entirely different games have managed to reach the immensely impressive "1 million copies sold" milestone. The first one is Grim Dawn, a Titan Quest inspired action RPG, while the second one is obviously Factorio - a complex building and management sim that allows you to create and automate some truly monstrous feats of engineering.

I could briefly go over what Factorio is all about, but the developers have created an amazing video showcasing and explaining pretty much every aspect of gameplay, so I think its probably for the best you check that out instead. So have a look, its well worth the few minutes it'll take you to watch:

If you're still on the fence and you're not sure whether Factorio is the type of game you might enjoy, worry not as there is a free demo available! Simply head over to the official website and you'll find everything you need. On the other hand, if you would like to help the developers push towards the next milestone you can grab yourself a copy on either Steam or through the developers themselves. Have fun!

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