Fallout 76 artwork showing the Power Armor Collector's Edition contents

Out of all the problems Bethesda ran into with Fallout 76, the whole canvas bag scandal is perhaps the biggest and stupidest. Instead of shipping a small canvas bag as a part of the super-expensive Power Armor Collector's Edition, they sent out the cheaper nylon bags, which as you might imagine was instantly met with criticism.

If we weren't stuck in the darker timeline this story would've ended with Bethesda apologizing and sending people their bags, but instead they initially brushed the problem off. After receiving even more negative press, they finally 'capitulated' by giving players the equivalent of $5 of in-game currency, which then fueled the flames even further. Eventually they saw reason and agreed to send the players their canvas bags, after which everyone was about as happy as you could possibly be in this sort of situation.

However, it wouldn't be Fallout 76 if disaster didn't struck for the third time. This time around it was the support ticket system that was at fault, and the result was that a small but still sizable number of players ended up having their personal information (including email address, home address and phone number) leaked and available for the public to see. Not exactly ideal!

Thankfully, this nightmare will soon be over as Bethesda has now announced that the canvas bags will finally start shipping next week. I can only hope they'll arrive without being entirely covered in bees!

You can keep an eye on any further announcements, as well as ask any questions you might have about your order, over at the official Twitter account.

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