The Elder Scrolls Online screenshot from Summerset

Even though it launched with more bugs than the swamps of Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls Online has slowly but surely transformed itself into quite an enjoyable and successful MMORPG. In fact, ESO just recently received the major Summerset expansion, bringing with it a whole bunch of new content and storylines to explore. So if you ever wanted to give it a try, now would be a pretty darn good time to do so.

If you're curious about what exactly ESO has to offer, as well as what the newly added High Elf homeland of Summerset looks like, you should check out the latest E3 trailer. It's pretty much a celebration of everything ESO and its players have managed to accomplish over the course of the four years it has been active, so I'd say it's well worth a watch:

You can learn more, as well as grab yourself a copy, by heading over to the official website. Personally, I would recommend skipping the Summerset expansion for the time being as the price is still fairly high. Instead, you can grab the base game and the Morrowind expansion for €10 on Steam. That should keep you busy for quite some time, after which you'll probably be able to get Summerset at a decent discount. Have fun!

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