The Elder Scrolls: Blades official artwork without logo

While you wait for any sort of The Elder Scrolls VI news to finally arrive, you might want to check out newly announced Elder Scrolls: Blades. It's essentially a free-to-play RPG designed with mobile in mind, though it will be playable on pretty much anything, a tradition it has continued on from Skyrim.

Usually I wouldn't even comment on mobile games since the vast majority of them just don't seem that appealing, but the Elder Scrolls: Blades genuinely looks like a good bit of fun. Not something you'd play for long stretches of time, mind you, but much like Fallout Shelter I can see it being a convenient distraction every once in a while. My only real worry is how the microtransactions will be handled given that it's a free-to-play game, but I suppose we'll find out more as Elder Scrolls: Blades moves closer towards it's Fall release.

Rather than babble on, allow me to share with you the reveal video. It'll give you a pretty good idea of what Elder Scrolls: Blades is all about, and whether it's the sort of game you'd actually want to spend time with. Have a gander:

As absurd as this sounds, you can "pre-order" this free-to-play game by heading over to the official website. Signing up will give you an exclusive helmet and sword, though more importantly, the ability to play a bit earlier than the general public. So if you're interested in the Elder Scrolls: Blades, you should probably take Bethesda up on their offer.

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