GOG artwork for the Summer Sale

Summer is now well and truly here: its unbearably hot and the mosquitoes are everywhere, but at least there's plenty of upcoming Summer sales to fill out our backlogs and give us an excuse to not venture outside! The reward for the very first big summer sale this time around goes to GOG as it currently has more than 1500 games on sale, many of which are on an extremely deep discount.

If you're interested in checking out all of the deals you will find what you seek over at the official website. On the other hand, if you don't know what to buy and you love RPGs almost as much as I do, here's a couple of suggestions based on the game's quality and the depth of its discount:

• The Witcher 3 Game of the Year Edition (-50%, includes all of the DLC)

• Dragon Age: Origins (-80%, includes all of the DLC)

• Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (-50%, includes all of the DLC)

• Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (-80%)

• FTL: Advanced Edition (-74%)

The Summer Sale will last until 12:59pm UTC on June 20th. In other words, you have plenty of time to decide what sort of games you want to grab, so don't feel pressured to buy a whole bunch on day 1 - the discounts won't be going anywhere! Have fun, and if you are a fan of RPGs I would heartily recommend you give The Witcher 3 a try above all the rest - it really is that good!

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