Life is Strange: Before the Storm official artwork and logo

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a prequel to the original game set three years before Max returned to Arcadia Bay. It explores the unlikely friendship between our protagonist Chloe Price and the always-popular Rachel Amber, though there is also a small bonus episode covering Max's initial departure. I can't go into any more details without potentially spoiling things, but let's just say that if you've enjoyed Life is Strange, chances are you'll have fun with the prequel as well.

Before the Storm has been available on PC for quite a while now, so if you were waiting for it to finally appear on macOS or Linux, you'll be glad to hear that it has now been pinned for a September 13th release date. The macOS and Linux versions will come with all three episodes in a single bundle, though there will also be a "Deluxe Edition" containing additional content, including the above-mentioned bonus episode "Farewell".

It is also worth mentioning that if you already own a Windows version of Before the Storm on Steam, you will automatically be granted access to the other two once they go live on September 13th. As always, I'm not sure whether the save files will be fully compatible between the three versions, but whatever the case may be it's certainly nice to have a choice between the platforms.

You can learn more about Life is Strange: Before the Storm by visiting either Steam or the official website. And finally, allow me to send you off with the launch trailer. Enjoy!

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