Rise of the Tomb Raider artwork without logo

If you're looking for some games to cuddle up with over the next few weeks, you might be interested to hear that the modern Tomb Raider trilogy is currently free to grab. All you have to do is head on over to the Epic Games Store, grab yourself a copy of each one, and you'll be good to go.

The only catch, as always, is that the giveaway is time limited. So make sure to snag the trilogy before the giveaway ends on January 6, 2022, after which you'll be able to play the games whenever you want and for however long you want.

As for whether the Tomb Raider trilogy is worth your time, I'd say the answer is a cautious yes. While they might not be groundbreaking games, they are still highly entertaining and well worth going through if you're a fan of the genre. On the other hand, if you didn't enjoy the Tomb Raider series in the past, chances are that this new trilogy won't do much to change your mind.

Have fun, and I'll leave you with a brief trailer showing off Shadow of the Tomb Raider:

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