Conan Exiles official artwork without the logo

The open-world survival game Conan Exiles is currently celebrating its one year anniversary. In order to get everyone in on the fun, the developers have now issued a massive update, as well as made Conan Exiles entirely free to try out for the next three days. All you really need to do is head on over to Steam, download Conan Exiles, and you'll be exploring the wilderness in no time.

In terms of content, the anniversary update has brought with it a brand new dungeon set deep beneath the waves, as well as a complete revamp of Sepermeru, New Asgarth, Summoning Place and Volcano regions. There's also a bunch of new pets to unlock, quality-of-life tweaks, and naturally balance changes. You can find more details, as well as the full patch notes, over at the official website

If you just prefer the short version, however, allow me to share with you the recently posted teaser trailer. It's not exactly long, but it should give you a decent idea of what to expect. Have a gander:

As for whether its actually worth playing Conan Exiles, I'd say the answer is yes if you're into the whole survival genre. Conan Exiles has a lot more pre-built content than most of the popular survival games out there, so there's always something pushing you to go forward, to search for secrets and delve into dungeons. This type of game is obviously not going to appeal to everyone, but while it's entirely free I'd say it's well worth checking out.

You can learn more about Conan Exiles, as well as give the free version a try, by hopping over to Steam. Have fun!

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