Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game screenshot of radscorpions attacking our player

With the Fallout series' 20th anniversary just around the corner, Bethesda has decided to start the festivities by giving away the RPG that started it all - Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game. If you would like to give the original classic a try simply head on over to Steam, press that giant green "Install Game" button, and you'll be slaying super mutants in no time.

Speaking of time, its important to mention that you don't have a lot of it to grab Fallout for free. This promotion will only last until September 30th at 11:59PM PST, so make sure to snatch yourself a copy as soon as possible. You don't even need to install it immediately in order to own it forever, you just need to add it to your account by starting the process.

Whether its worth your time and effort though, that's a bit of a difficult question to answer. Fallout is considered a classic for a very good reason, and it even holds up today, but if you're expecting anything similar to Bethesda's modern series then you're going to be sorely disappointed. If you don't mind an oldschool crpg and all of the clunkiness that comes with the genre, however, I would highly recommend you give Fallout a look - it really is fun to play!

Fallout screenshot of the dialogue system

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