Sonic Mania official artwork and logo

If you were living under a rock the past few days, much like me, you might be interested to hear that Sonic Mania has now finally made its way to PC as well. I haven't had a lot of time to play it just yet, but from everything I've experienced so far I can confidently say that Sonic Mania has managed to achieve exactly what it set out to do: modernize and enhance the oldschool 2D Sonic gameplay.

Since trying to explain a Sonic game through words alone is a bit of a pointless venture, allow me to share with you the relatively recent launch trailer. The cheesy intro aside, it should give you a pretty damn good idea of what to expect from Sonic Mania. Have a look:

The final thing worth mentioning is that the PC version uses Denuvo DRM, hence why there are so many negative reviews on Steam. I personally didn't encounter any issues with it, nor did I see anything of the sort in any of the reviews I read, but its still worth keeping in mind before you jump in. That aside, if you would like to learn more, or just grab yourself a copy, you should head over to either Steam or the official website. Have fun!

Sonic Mania screenshot from the bonus stages

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