Syberia 2 official screenshot of a snow-swept house

With Syberia 3's launch date just around the corner the developers have decided to release the previous entry in the series for free. So if you're interested in some point & click adventuring across Eastern Europe you can grab a free copy of Syberia 2 from Origin.

If you would like to learn more before deciding to dedicate any of your time to it, however, you will find the most recent GOG trailer down below. It doesn't feature much in terms of actual gameplay, but it should give you a good idea of what you're getting into. Have a look:

As a final word of warning, make sure to grab your copy as soon as possible because the offer is "available for a limited time only". With Origin this usually means a couple of weeks, sometimes even an entire month, but you never know what might happen so its probably for the best you do it sooner rather than later. Have fun!

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