The main character from The Surge

While I definitely enjoyed Lords of the Fallen its not without its flaws, and its by no means equal to the juggernaut that is Dark Souls, but it got far closer than many other games. With some more experience under their belts, and perhaps a bit more time, I could easily see the developers crafting a worthy offshoot for all Souls fans to enjoy.

Whether The Surge, their upcoming sci-fi RPG inspired by the Souls formula, is going to be the breakthrough we're all looking for, I don't know, but its certainly interesting enough to keep an eye out for. If you're wondering what it looks like in action, here's 10 minutes of robot-smashing gameplay IGN recently recorded alongside some of the developers:


For those of you that played Lords of the Fallen the gameplay should feel instantly recognizable, because even though there are some extra bells and whistles its still the same basic concept. You dodge around, wait for the enemy to expose themselves, and then smash them across the chops with a futuristic mecha-axe.

Unfortunately it seems to be just as clunky as Lords of the Fallen, but on the positive side there's still plenty of time to correct that before release, and I really do hope the developers manage to do so. The occasionally awkward animations and stiff combat are some of my primary issues with Lords of the Fallen, so I would hate to see that transplanted into The Surge as well, especially since its so easy to see how good the combat would be if everything got polished up.

There is currently no release date set for The Surge, but its expected to come at some point in 2017. As I said, plenty of time.

a boss fight from the Souls-inspired The Surge

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