Rising Storm 2: Vietnam gameplay screenshot of infrantry

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is a 64-player brawl between the US forces and the Vietnamese, with each side having their own unique abilities, weapons, and tactical advantages such as napalm strikes or artillery barrages. Unlike the majority of FPS games out there Rising Storm 2 is all about making combat as realistic and authentic as possible, so expect to see low kill times and plenty of squad-based strategies.

For those of you wondering what this might look like in gameplay terms, here's the recently posted launch trailer that covers pretty much everything from vehicles to infantry charges. Have a look:

Rising Storm 2 has just officially released on Steam, and I am very glad to say that the reviews so far are overwhelmingly positive. Like any Tripwire game there are a bunch of bugs and annoying little issues to contend with, but the gameplay itself appears to be pretty damn solid! So if you're up for a tactical FPS that will truly show you how vulnerable soldiers really are, you might want to check out Rising Storm 2. To learn more, or just look at some additional gameplay videos, you should head over to the official website.

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