Conan Exiles is an upcoming open-world survival game with a heavy focus on teamwork, base-building, and raiding whatever other people have built because its easier than doing it yourself. If you would like to learn more about the gameplay I would recommend you head over here to check out one of the most recent preview videos.
Given the current state of pretty much every survival game my hopes for Conan Exiles weren't really all that high, but after reading the latest announcement I must say I'm slightly intrigued. Apparently the PC version will not only support community hosted servers where the players get to make the rules, but mods will also be fully supported and connected to the incredibly convenient Steam Workshop. In other words, Funcom seems to have the right idea if their goal is to promote teamwork and cooperation over wanton bloodshed!
As for the community servers, you'll be able to either host you own or rent servers through Funcom's official server partner PingPerfect. Once you have it set up you'll be able to toggle PvP, turn off avatars (giant dudes that destroy everything), control sandstorms, choose what players loose when they die, control the day/night cycle, and so forth. And for those of you that like to mess around with people directly, you'll be glad to hear that server admins will have a whole bunch of in-game developer tools to use and abuse. Combine all of this with full mod support and you've got a survival game with a surprising degree of customization, not something I expected to see from "yet another survival game". How exactly will all of this work when Conan Exiles finally releases, I have no idea, but its certainly a welcome diversion from the status quo.
And speaking of releases, Conan Exiles will be coming to Steam Early Access on January 31st. If you would like to learn more I would suggest you head over to either Steam or the official website. But if you're just looking for the system requirements, you'll find them by heading over here.