Total War: Warhammer 3 screenshot of Harald Hammerstorm, the original Warhammer

[Update #2]: Total War: Warhammer 3's Shadows of Change DLC is coming this August 31st with a much higher price tag.

[Update]: Total War: Warhammer 3's Update 4.0 will expand battle difficulty settings, add new landmarks and improve the tutorial.

In celebration of 40 years of Warhammer, the Total War: Warhammer 3 team has decided to go all the way back in order to find inspiration for the newest Update 3.1. And what better choice for a free DLC than the man, the myth, the meme - Harald Hammerstorm, or Harry the Hammer to his friends.

Harry is not only a ridiculously over-the-top champion of Chaos that has a bone to pick with the undead, but he also used to be the Warhammer. Back before Sigmar and the titular Ghal Maraz became major elements in the story, Harald Hammerstorm and his antics were seen as the embodiment of everything Warhammer Fantasy was about - big burly men wearing way too much armor running around and hitting each other over the head while screaming!

What Harry looks like in action, as well as what his whole shtick is all about, that you can check out through the cinematic trailer below. Have a gander, it's quite a fun one:

In order to add Harald Hammerstorm to your armies you'll need to first grab him through your CA Account, after which you'll have to reach level 15 while playing as the Warriors of Chaos in order to get his quest chain. Complete that and you'll eventually be blessed by the presence of Harry himself as an extremely powerful Legendary Hero!

The good news doesn't end there, however, as Update 3.1 has also brought with it a fairly comprehensive rework and rebalance of Bretonnia, a new set of Regiments of Renown, a new Chaos Dwarf endgame crisis, as well as a long list of improvements and tweaks. There is simply far too much stuff to even attempt to summarize, so if you're curious about the changes and the reasoning behind them, you should head on over to the official website.

Have fun with Harry, and I'll leave you with the unsurprisingly fairly lengthy, developer-guided patch overview:

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