Warhammer Fantasy and Total War: Warhammer 3 artwork for Valkia the Bloody

[Update #2]: Immortal Empires has now been unleashed alongside Total War: Warhammer 3's biggest update ever!

[Update]: Total War: Warhammer 3's August update will greatly rework the long-forgotten Warriors of Chaos. You can also expect to see massive improvements to the Lizardmen, Vampires, Dark Elves and Norsca!

In an effort to clear up some of the misconceptions about the upcoming Immortal Empires combined campaign map, as well as to offer a few teasers of things to come, Creative Assembly has now released a lengthy Q&A. While the Total War: Warhammer 3 team took this opportunity to reveal a whole bunch of exciting information about Immortal Empires, the thing I found far more captivating was something that was merely shown for a couple of seconds - the names of the new DLC factions.

So if this isn't some sort of elaborate prank on Creative Assembly's part, and I honestly doubt it is, then we can expect to see the first post-launch DLC bring in four new Chaos factions! Valkia the Bloody will be at the head of the Legion of the Gorequeen faction, Vilitch the Curseling will lead the Puppets of Misrule, Festus the Leechlord will be accompanied by The Fecundites, and appropriately enough, The Ecstatic Legions led by Azazel will bring up the rear.

Whether these four will be a part of their respective Chaos god's factions or just an off-shoot of the Warriors of Chaos, I'm not exactly sure, but given the teasers so far I think it's safe to say that they will be able to use a combination of mortal and daemon units. So at the end of the day, I suppose it doesn't even matter which group they belong to since they'll be borrowing heavily from both.

I'd love to tell you more, but aside from the incredibly brief teaser below, nothing concrete has been announced just yet. Have a peek, though it's sadly not much:

Once more information becomes available, most likely once the DLC gets properly announced, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, I'll leave you with the full Q&A. Enjoy!

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