Guild Wars 2's long-lost Season 1 episode Tower of Nightmares artwork and logo

[Update]: Guild Wars 2's October 4th update will empower old specializations and rebalance classes for PvP.

After an entire decade of absence, the Guild Wars 2 team has recently started remastering and re-releasing the original Living World Season 1 episodes. Today this courtesy has been extended to the Tower of Nightmares episode that will have you look into the reports of strange creatures and objects appearing beneath the lake's surface.

What exactly this entails, as well as what sort of atmosphere Tower of Nightmares is going for, that you can check out through the launch trailer below. Have a gander:

Much like its predecessors, Tower of Nightmares is entirely free for everyone to enjoy. You don't even need to unlock it within a certain timeframe to get to keep it forever like the more modern Living World episodes.

It's also worth mentioning that all of Tower of Nightmares' original achievements have been restored, and there's even a brand new batch to complete for some minor rewards. More importantly, the Tower of Nightmares itself can now be permanently accessed from Thunder Ridge camp in Kessex Hills. So if you ever want to revisit the place, you're now able to do so in private or in a group with random players.

The update has also brought with it a variety of bug fixes and small improvements. It's nothing too impactful, but if you're curious about the exact details you can find what you seek over at the Guild Wars 2 website.

Have fun with the Tower of Nightmares, and once the next episode goes live I'll make sure to let you know!

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