The Division 2 official artwork without logo

While Anthem and Fallout 76 launched with a whole bunch of problems, Ubisoft's The Division 2 ended up avoiding pretty much all of their pitfalls. Not only was The Division 2 a noticeable improvement over its predecessor, but it released with a sizable amount of content and no truly massive issues that would ruin the experience.

So if you would like to give it a try and see what exactly The Division 2 has to offer, you'll be glad to hear that Ubisoft is currently running a free weekend. Simply head on over to the official website, pick from either the PC or console versions, and you'll be able to explore wherever you want until Monday.

It's not exactly a ton of time, especially given the download size, but as far as demos go, this is a pretty comprehensive one. So while you probably won't be able to explore the end-game throghout these two days, you should at least be able to figure out whether The Division 2 is up your alley or not. And if you do find yourself enjoying the experience and wishing for more, it's also worth mentioning that The Division 2 is will be 35% off for a limited time.

Whether you're planning on buying it or not, I'd still recommend at least checking out the free version and seeing what all of the fuss is about. Have fun, and I'll leave you with the "What is The Division 2?" trailer:

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