Watch Dogs 2 coffee shop screenshot

[Update #2]: Watch Dogs 2 is now free-to-grab over at the Ubisoft website.

[Update]: Killing Floor 2 and The Escapists 2 are also free to grab until July 16th, just in case you're looking for even more goodies.

Forward, Ubisoft's very first all-digital conference, will be going live this July 12th. As you might expect, it'll offer more details about Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Watch Dogs: Legion, Hyper Scape, and perhaps most importantly, show off a few surprises!

In order to get as many people to tune in as possible, Ubisoft has also announced they'll be giving away Watch Dogs 2 for free. The only thing you'll need to do is log into your Uplay account, watch the Forward stream, and Watch Dogs 2 should instantly be added to your account. If you decide to stick around, it's also worth mentioning that Ubisoft is planning further giveaways throughout the conference, though these appear to be a bit more limited.

As for whether Watch Dogs 2 is even worth the trouble, I'd say the answer is a tentative yes. Watch Dogs 2 is not a breakthrough game by any stretch, but it's highly polished and pretty fun to play around with in short bursts. So as long as you keep your expectations somewhat grounded, I have a feeling you'll have a fairly good time with it.

You can learn more about the Forward conference, as well as check out all of the upcoming reveals once they go live, over at the Ubisoft website.

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