Vermintide 2 key art for Sienna's new Necromancer career

[Update #2]: Vermintide 2's A Parting of the Waves update is adding a brand new map and shield-bearing enemy.

[Update]: Many years after being canceled, Vermintide 2's PvP Versus mode is coming back.

It took a surprisingly long time for us to get here, but Sienna's long-awaited fourth career has now finally been revealed! The big surprise is that instead of getting one of a variety of fire based specializations like many have been speculating about over the past year, Sienna will begin dabbling into necromancy on October 19th!

Before I say anything else, allow me to share with you the cinematic trailer setting all of this up. Have a gander, it's a fun one:

The details about the class itself are currently still few and far between, but given the trailer and the overall theme, it's highly likely that the necromancer will be Vermintide 2's very first pet class. I certainly hope so, anyway, because that would be a completely unique playstyles and something entirely new to the whole 'Tide' series.

Another thing I'm curious about is how Fatshark is going to make the whole necromancer thing work from a story perspective. Saltzpyre used to actively hunt them, Kruber lost his entire company to one, Dwarfs worship ancestors and so they can't abide by necromancy, while Kerillian just hates everyone in general. It would take something truly incredible for the team to accept a necromancer, even for a single mission, so I'm genuinely excited to see where all of this is going!

Once we get more information, and ideally once the gameplay trailer gets released, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can read a little bit more about Vermintide 2 and its future over at the official website. Enjoy!

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