Warhammer: Vermintide 2 screenshot of the new quest system that's still under development

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 developer Fatshark recently held a brief Twitch stream where they discussed the current 1.0.6 patch and what sort of features we can expect to see in the future. The stream itself was unfortunately light on details, but you might be interested to hear that the developers are currently working on a brand new quest system.

I can't tell you much about it since it's still early in development, but according to Fatshark it won't function like the bounty board from the original Vermintide. While this hasn't been officially confirmed, I believe this means we won't be able to get specific items through the quest system, but rather different tiers of loot boxes, as seen in the placeholder image above. If so, I really do hope they won't be commendation chests (the ones you gain from leveling up) as the quality of items found within are severely lacking when compared to Champion or Legend chests.

As much as I would love to tell you more about the quest system, I'm afraid that's pretty much everything Fatshark has revealed so far. What I can tell you, however, is that they are currently looking into ways to give players additional green dust throughout endgame content, as well as ensure that players don't receive duplicates of the incredibly rare red items. No time frame has been given for these changes, but it's still good to hear they are working on some quality of life fixes as well.

Additionally, Fatshark has confirmed that they are working on a whole bunch of cosmetics for all of the heroes, cosmetics you will be able to acquire for free in-game. Much like all of the changes above, nobody currently knows when these cosmetics will be going live, but I can at least show you what a couple of them will look like. Have a gander:

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 screenshot of upcoming cosmetics

Most of these changes and additions will be coming with the massive update 1.1 at some point in the relatively near future. Again, no specific date has been given, but I think it's safe to say the update will be here alongside the first DLC at some point in May. As for the recently announced and fairly mysterious update 1.0.7, you can expect to see it next week.

Once more information gets released I'll make sure to cover it, but until then you can keep an eye on Vermintide 2's development over at the official roadmap.

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