Vermintide 2 screenshot of Kerillian as a Sister of the Thorn

[Update #2]: Vermintide 2's December DLC has added the Warrior Priest career alongside a bunch of weapons.

[Update]: Vermintide 2 Halloween update has beefed up bosses and added new cosmetics to hunt.

Now that the highly entertaining Grail Knight and Outcast Engineer careers have finally settled in, it's Kerillian's time to get some new toys to play around with. Much like its predecessors, the freshly added Sister of the Thorn career takes things in a completely different direction by giving Kerillian access to both offensive and supportive magic!

What this means in gameplay terms is that the Sister of the Thorn brings with it a unique talent tree, a variety of passive and active abilities, plenty of new voice lines, as well as two new 'ranged' weapons - the Briar Javelin and the Deepwood Staff. You can get a little sneak peek at what they look like through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander:

From what little I've experienced so far, Sister of the Thorn is an absolute delight to play, and probably a bit on the overpowered side of things. With the right set of talents, and a team that's willing to help you out, you can pretty much obliterate everything before you thanks to a mixture of spells, enhanced stats and guaranteed critical strikes. Combine that with a playstyle that differs greatly from Kerillian's usual nonsense, and you've got yourself yet another solid addition to Vermintide 2's roster!

Speaking of which, the Sister of the Thorn DLC is once again split into two parts. For 3,49€ you can get the career itself and all of the gameplay elements, while a bundle containing the Sister of the Thorn career and a bunch of cosmetics will set you back 8,79€. None of the cosmetics are mandatory or even all that important, so if you're only in it to smack rats around with a giant javelin, I'd say the base version is well worth grabbing.

You can learn more about the Sister of the Thorn, as well as Vermintide 2 as a whole, over at Steam. And while you're there, you might also want to check out the newly launched Skulls for the Skull Throne event as well. Have fun!

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