Vermintide 2 screenshot of Grail Knight Kruber

[Update #2]: The Grail Knight has now arrived, and as expected, he's pretty darn fun to play.

[Update]: Fatshark has now revealed how Kruber became a Grail Knight alongside a spiffing new cinematic trailer!

It may have taken Fatshark quite a while, but it has finally happened - they are adding weather variations for maps! Once the next update arrives, all maps with outdoor areas will have a chance to feature different weather and lighting conditions, thus offering a slightly different experience with every single run.

There's even more good news on that front as Fatshark has now also revealed the very first new career for Vermitnide 2 - Grail Knight Kruber. The chivalrous Grail Knight will come with its own talent tree, new weapon types, new abilities, a whole new assortment of cosmetics, and hopefully a completely outrageous French accent!

"The Grail Knight is the pride of Bretonnia – a blessed warrior granted supernatural might by the mysterious Lady of the Lake," reads the brief description. "As all Bretonnian Knights, he never engages in ranged combat, instead favoring foes with the gift of close-quarters battle. Whether armed with his longsword or a trusty sword and shield, the Grail Knight is death to foul creatures wherever he encounters them."

While the exact details are currently unknown, the Grail Knight will be a DLC spread across two packs. The first will be fairly cheap and will simply offer the new career for players to mess around with, while the second and slightly more expensive one will feature new challenges and cosmetics to unlock. So if you're just in it for the gameplay, worry not as it doesn't look like the Grail Knight will be breaking your bank.

All of this will be coming as a part of Season 3 on June 23rd for PC, while the console versions will be getting the update at some point in the future. You can learn a little bit more about Season 3, as well as keep an eye on any future updates, over at Steam.

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