Vermintide 2 A Quiet Drink map screenshot

[Update #2]: The quality-of-life focused anniversary update has now arrived, and so far it's looking quite impressive!

[Update]: Fatshark has now revealed the anniversary quality of life improvements and Elf changes!

In celebration of its four-year anniversary, the premier rat-slaying simulator Vermintide 2 has now brought back the always-enjoyable A Quiet Drink map. So if you're up for listening to the characters talk absolute nonsense while drunk out of their minds, all the while fighting against hordes upon hordes of enemies in a surprisingly challenging level, make sure to give A Quiet Drink a try before it goes away on March 21st.

While this year's anniversary has not brought with it a fancy new trailer, the original one is still an awesome bit of tabletop nostalgia. Have a peek, it's a short but sweet one:

It's also worth mentioning that Vermintide 2 will be on a 80% discount on Steam until March 22nd. So if you have even a remote interest in these types of co-op focused hack and slash games, I would heartily recommend taking Fatshark up on their offer and diving in.

When it comes to future content, however, you'll be happy to hear that Fatshark is not yet done with Vermintide 2 despite being hard at work on Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. So even though the details are few and far between, you can expect to see the developers unveil the upcoming "Quality of Life" update at some point this week. The update will bring with it a variety of long-requested features, as well as some that were previously only available through mods, alongside a couple of new cosmetics to collect.

Once the full announcement goes live I'll make sure to let you know. For now, however, have fun with A Quiet Drink and make sure to have Saltzpyre on the team as his drunken dialogue is quite the thing to behold!

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