Warhammer 40k: Darktide screenshot of the four characters

[Update #2]: My review for Darktide is now live and, long story short, it's as rough and fascinating as the world it takes place in!

[Update]: Darktide has revealed the fourth and final Psyker class in a brand new trailer.

The heavily co-op focused Warhammer 40,000: Darktide was originally supposed to arrive in late 2021 for PC and Xbox, but unfortunately had to be delayed as the Fatshark team simply needed more time to get everything polished up and ready to go. A fair few months have gone by since then, but I'm happy to say that we now finally have an actual release date - September 13th, 2022!

Not only that, but Fatshark has also released a brief trailer giving us a little peek into the personalities of the four main characters. Have a gander, and make sure to turn on the subtitles as they're quite amusing:

If you're more interested in the actual gameplay, that you can get a pretty good impression of through one of the previous trailers. It's a bit outdated at this point, so do expect the final version to look a lot more polished. In any case, have a peek:

Once more information becomes available, most likely as we get closer to the launch day, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you might want to give Vermintide 2 another try as the recent Anniversary Update has brought with it a ton of quality-of-life changes and balance tweaks!

Warhammer 40k: Darktide screenshot of the characters playing cards

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