Gloomhaven screenshot of the Scoundrel

[Update]: Gloomhaven will be launching from Early Access on October 20, 2021!

After being briefly teased a few weeks ago, the video game adaptation of the popular board game Gloomhaven has now finally made its way to Steam Early Access. That said, while the Gloomhaven game features many of the same themes and mechanics as the board game, it is a bit of a different beast entirely.

Most notably, despite the Gloomhaven board game being heavily co-op focused, the newly released Gloomhaven game is currently singleplayer only. There will be co-op added at some point later on, but so far the experience is wholly focused on highly replayable singleplayer content.

If you're wondering just what all of this looks like in gameplay terms, as well as what Gloomhaven as a whole has to offer, allow me to share with you the recently posted overview trailer. Have a peek, it's a pretty informative one:

The final thing worth mentioning is that Gloomhaven is currently both unfinished and unpolished. So if you do decide to grab the Early Access version, make sure you're doing so with the intent to help the developers out, rather than because you simply want to play it as soon as possible. 

Whatever the case may be, you can learn more about Gloomhaven, as well as potentially grab yourself a copy, over at Steam. Have fun!

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