Warhammer 40k: Darktide artwork showing off the PC-exclusive Vanguard cosmetic armor sets

[Update #2]: The armor sets have now arrived, and with them the announcement that Darktide's December update will add potions, new weapons, new map and a dual boss encounter!

[Update]: Darktide's Patch #15 has added the first Carnival map and expanded the Veteran's skill tree.

While Warhammer 40k: Darktide is currently in an amazing spot, it unfortunately didn't launch as such. Its first few months were mired with countless crashes, annoying bugs, as well as a plethora of balance problems that rendered most of the weapons useless in higher difficulties.

So when Fatshark released the heavily updated version of the game onto Xbox back in October alongside an astonishingly generous amount of paid in-game currency, there was a fair bit of hubbub from the PC crowd that felt like they were taken for a ride. To their credit, instead of staying silent and waiting for it all to blow over, Fatshark quickly apologized and promised they'd find some sort of solution.

A few weeks have gone by since then, but I'm happy to say that Fatshark has now returned with a rather fancy collection of armor sets (pictured above) based on the guardsmen from the original trailer. These, alongside a new backpack, two portrait frames and an insignia will be granted for free to all PC players as a way of saying thanks. The only requirement is that you launch the game before November 17th, 2023.

Don't get too attached to that date, however, as it doesn't look like the update will be dropping then. Instead, it seems that Fatshark is planning to release it at the end of November, most likely alongside a sizable content update to get everyone excited for the holiday season.

Once more information becomes available, I'll make sure to let you know as I'm quite curious myself. Until then, I'll leave you with the latest and perhaps saddest of the story-focused vox transmissions:

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