Wasteland 3 official artwork

[Update]: Turn-Based RPG Wasteland 3 has now made its way to PC and consoles!

The Fig crowdfunding campaign for Wasteland 3 begun only a couple of days ago, and already it has managed to reach its lofty $2,750,000 goal! It is important to mention that $2,2 million of the current $2,9 million fund has been gathered through investments, but even with that considered this is an amazing success. I guess old school RPGs aren't as niche as they once were!

Since Wasteland 3 has managed to reach its funding goal within a mere three days, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to hear that the developers have already released the first batch of stretch goals in order to keep the hype-train rolling on. But before we move on to stretch goals, here's the recently posted gameplay demo - just to give you an idea of what Wasteland 3 is all about:

So what are the stretch goals? Well, the first one (the one that has already been unlocked) is bringing with it further Ranger customization. In other words: multiple body types, more heads, more hairstyles, and best of all, the presence of shovels, binoculars, and other such gear on your character model! This really isn't that big of a deal, but I absolutely adore games that slightly change your character model as you collect new pieces of gear. It just makes the whole experience a little bit more immersive, and for an RPG, that immersion goes a long way.

The $3M stretch goal is a bit of a weird one, however - its a sentient, talking car companion called Morningstar. He was initially built to serve President Reagan, but given that he's now out of a job he'll settle for helping you during your travels, and apparently even in combat! And the final stretch goal announced so far, the $3.1M one, is a customizable Ranger Squad Insignia. Its about as basic as it sounds, but it does allow you to customize the logo for your Ranger Base, your flags, and naturally, the outfits your companions wear.

Given how fast this is going I wouldn't be surprised if Wasteland 3's crowdfunder blazes through these stretch goals in a couple of days, after which we'll have a whole batch of new ones to look forward to! Here's to hoping they'll be more like the talking car, and less like customizable logos.

Wasteland 3's massive Union Station

Wasteland 3's bizarre scenery

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