Wasteland 3 official artwork without logo

[Update #2]: Turn-Based RPG Wasteland 3 has now made its way to PC and consoles!

[Update]: Due to the pandemic slowing development, Wasteland 3 has now been delayed until late August 2020.

While Wasteland 3's release date is still as enigmatic as ever, things do appear to be progressing quite nicely. So much so that inXile has now released a decently lengthy trailer highlighting the story, atmosphere, and naturally, the turn-based combat.

That said, there are no major spoilers throughout the video, so don't be afraid to check it out even if you're planning to drop in almost completely blind. Have a gander, it's a pretty fun one:

As always, I'll reserve my judgement for when I actually get to play Wasteland 3 myself, but I do have to admit I'm quite excited for what was shown so far. It seems like a bigger and more polished version of Wasteland 2, and given the potential the series has, that is a very good thing indeed! 

Once a juicer preview gets posted I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can learn more about Wasteland 3 and its plans for future content, over at its Fig crowdfunding page.

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