Wasteland 3 official artwork without logo

While Wasteland 3 is a pretty fun RPG to mess around with, it unfortunately has a hefty amount of bugs and optimization issues. Out of the latter category, the loadings times are by far the worst offender as it can sometimes feel like you're spending more time staring at the loading screen than actually playing the game.

With that in mind, you'll be happy to hear that Patch 1.1.2 has now arrived with some major improvements. According to the developers, the update should reduce loading times by up to 60% on PC and 25% on console. In terms of raw numbers, their test hardware went from a 38 second load time to a mere 13 seconds. Naturally, this will be different for every single PC out there, but it should still be a noticeable improvement.

The only downside of these changes is that auto-saves will now no longer occur as a part of the level load, but will instead happen as you're running around. So if you're planning to do something important (or crazy) right after a loading screen, it might be wise to either wait for the auto-save to kick in or save the game yourself.

Patch 1.1.2 has also brought in some general performance and stability improvements, co-op tweaks, and as is tradition, a bunch of bug fixes as well. You can read the full list of changes over at the official website.

Have fun with the new loading times!

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