Xbox One and Windows 10 as an unified platform

The long-awaited Windows 10 Anniversary Update is set to arrive on August 2. The majority of the update is, believe it or not, related to Windows 10 features and how exactly they are going to be improved in the future, but there is also a special and rather exciting section dedicated solely to gaming.

The Xbox Play Anywhere program will essentially remove all boundaries between the Xbox One and PC versions of a games, and while cross-platform play most likely won't be enabled, you will be able to share your games, save files, achievements, and overall progress between the two platforms. In other words, you will only need to buy one copy of the upcoming Gears of War 4, Scalebound, or other such games in order to play them on both systems, a pretty damn good deal!

Besides features directly related to gaming, improved security is something that everyone will appreciate seeing as a part of this update. While the details are currently still a bit shaky, Microsoft has announced improvements to their Windows Defender anti-malware service, as well as the arrival of new features to their Windows Hello program in order to protect against malicious websites and applications.

If you're interested in a full run-down of the whole Windows 10 Anniversary Update, I would suggest you head over to the Windows Blog, their team has done a great job of outlining all of the important changes and additions coming in August.

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