Wolfenstein Youngblood screenshot of our two female protagonists

In a bit of an interesting twist, Bethesda has announced that the next Wolfenstein game will not only be co-op focused, but that it will not star B.J. as the main character! Instead, it will be his twin daughters that will have to take up the mantle of Nazi-slayers 19 years after the end of The New Colossus. We're now just one step closer to Commander Keen! 

Silliness aside, if you're wondering what all of this might look like in-game, allow me to share with you the recently posted teaser trailer. It's not as revealing as I or many others have hoped, but it'll at least give you a bit of an idea of what to expect from Youngblood. Have a look:

Wolfenstein Youngblood will be coming to PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2019, though no release date has been given just yet. Once more information gets revealed I'll make sure to let you know, though you can also keep an eye out for yourself by visiting the official website

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