World of Warcraft screenshot of the expensive $90 shop mount - The Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur

In what is quite possibly the biggest 'microtransaction' I've ever seen, Blizzard has just launched the brand new "Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur" mount onto the World of Warcraft store at a very humble $90 price tag! And what do you get for that much money? A giant dinosaur that offers you easy access to both the auction house and mailbox.

Funnily enough, this isn't the first time they've done this. Back in Battle for Azeroth Blizzard released a limited time 5,000,000 gold mount that only gave access to the auction house. There was no direct way to pay for it with cash either, though if you wanted to buy WoW Tokens and then convert them to gold, the mount would've taken you around $500.

That isn't to say that the new Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur is a steal and that you should throw money at Blizzard as quickly as you can, because asking $90 for literally any mount is just obscene. However, if you have the in-game gold needed to purchase it with WoW tokens and you know you'll be utilizing the mobile auction house on a daily basis, then I can definitely see it being worth it.

Just whatever you do, please don't spend actual money on this, if for no other reason than to tell Blizzard that future mounts shouldn't be $150. Alas, that may already be too late as I've seen dozens upon dozens of Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur in the wild, and I've only done a quick circle around Dornogal.

Whatever the future may bring, the Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur won't be staying around for very long. So if you're planning to grab it, you have until January 6, 2025 to scrounge up enough gold. And I'm guessing it's going to be quite a lot of gold as the price of the WoW Tokens is already skyrocketing, so either do it fast or wait till things calm down a bit in a month or so.

To end all of this on a nice and positive note, at least the new anniversary update is free for everyone to enjoy... as long as you're subscribed anyway!

World of Warcraft - The Trader's Gilded Brutosaur $90 mount screenshot of it sideway

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