World of Warcraft's Patch 7.1 - Return to Kharazan artwork

After being teased before Legion even came out, Update 7.1 - Return to Kharazan has finally arrived to live World of Warcraft servers. There's a new five-man version of Kharazan to explore, a whole bunch of new quests to do in Suramar, a massive list of balance changes and quality of life updates to dread over, and in a couple of weeks a brand new raid in the form of the Trial of Valor.

If all of these new additions are a bit too much for you to simply grasp through words alone, worry not as Blizzard has also released a brief teaser trailer showcasing all of the new features coming in with Update 7.1. Have a look:

As for the balance changes, I am glad to say that there is nothing to dread about! Don't get me wrong, however, there are still the classic changes to abilities that make absolutely no sense and will quickly be corrected with a hotfix once Blizzard realizes that themselves, but other than that its a pretty solid patch. If you're looking for all of the specifics, you can find the full patch notes over here.

But before you go, allow me to impart a little bit of knowledge to you. The entrance to the new Kharazan dungeon is on the side of the tower, accessed via an elevated bridge to the right. Do not go through the main door as that brings you to the old school raid version of Kharazan, which as you can imagine isn't exactly designed with your decked-out level 110 party in mind. Good luck and have fun, the new Kharazan is quite the dungeon to explore for your first time!

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