Dead Cells artwork for the Castlevania expansion

To say that Dead Cells has had a lot of support over the years would be quite an understatement. Between the crossover updates, paid DLC and numerous free additions, the number of weapons, locations and potential builds increased significantly since launch, and the game is much better for it.

Alas, all good things must eventually come to an end, and the same goes for Dead Cells. So after five years of updates, it looks like the upcoming Patch 35 will be the very last one. A real shame since I truly believe Dead Cells could've easily sustained many more updates and DLCs given how fun the core gameplay is, but I certainly won't fault the Evil Empire team for wanting to move onto something new after all this time.

"This comes after much reflection, especially following the awesome success of the 'Return to Castlevania' DLC last year", reads the developer update. "Our commitment to avoiding the 'more of the same' trap and keeping Dead Cells fresh and original has led us to this point; as we've seen with other long-running series, it's crucial not to overextend and risk diminishing the unique charm that makes Dead Cells special to us all."

"With all that said, we are committed to continuing the journey in this amazing world with some really cool new stuff outside of the original game, so that more and more people can enjoy Dead Cells in totally new ways. Stay tuned for more updates about the Animated Series, the Board Game and… the Beheaded appearing in another world?!"

Once Patch 35 arrives I'll make sure to let you know as I too have been eagerly been waiting for it for quite a while now. Until then, I'd highly recommend giving Dead Cells a try if you haven't already. It really is one of the best action-roguelites out there, especially if you like the concept of a punishing-yet-fair difficulty.


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