Terraria: Journey's End artwork showing the Autumn sunset

[Update #2]: Terraria's likely final update "Labor of Love" has now arrived with a bunch of improvements.

[Update]: Terraria and Core Keeper are doing a small crossover to celebrate the upcoming Labor of Love update.

Continuing on with their streak of 'this is totally, definitely, absolutely the final update,' the Terraria team is now getting ready to release the chunky and quality-of-life focused Labor of Love patch. If everything goes according to plan, you can expect to see the Labor of Love update land onto all platforms on September 28th, 2022!

The Labor of Love update will bring with it a couple of new challenges to overcome, a whole assortment of new items and furniture to mess around with, and even a couple of adorable new pets. As the name might suggest, there's also going to be a bunch of quality-of-life improvements, balance tweaks and bug fixes to help round everything out.

While the exact list of changes and additions has not been announced just yet, the community-run wiki has gathered all of the various teasers and previews into one simple list. So while it won't give you the full picture, it should at least give you a pretty decent idea of just what kind of update Labor of Love truly is.

Once the Labor of Love update finally goes live, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you might want to give Terraria a try if you haven't already. Let's just say that there's a very good reason it has a 97% approval rating out of 801,716 reviews on Steam!

Have fun!

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