Darkest Dungeon 2 official art showing off four playable characters

[Update]: Darkest Dungeon 2's first post-launch update has added new enemies and full Steam Deck support.

Over seven years have gone by since the original Darkest Dungeon arrived, and if you're itching for more of that stylish, turn-based roguelike action, you'll be happy to hear that Red Hook Studios have now returned with a fancy new sequel! While the two games are very similar in spirit, and especially when it comes to the punishing difficulty that will see many of your favorite characters unceremoniously kick the bucket, Darkest Dungeon 2 is by no means a simple copy.

The sequel brings with it 3D visuals, a much greater focus on launching lengthy expeditions that will see you make plenty of potentially fatal decisions, characters that can form friendships and rivalries, along with a whole bunch of tweaks and changes to the underlying gameplay mechanics in order to make things feel fresh and interesting. What some of this looks like in action, that you can check out through the launch trailer below:

Judging by the player reviews so far it looks like Darkest Dungeon 2 is a highly polished roguelike with a somewhat annoying problem. Your characters, skills and loot are all reset at the end of each adventure, so getting attached to your team and their personal storyline is nowhere near as easy or natural as it was in the original. I can only hope this gets tweaked through future updates as the battles are always so much more intense when you feel like the lives of your favorites are on the line.

This isn't to say that Darkest Dungeon 2 is a bad game, because it really isn't. It's more so that it's different, which requires a bit of getting used to, especially if you're just coming off the original. So if you're a fan of Darkest Dungeon and you're planning to dive into the sequel, I would highly recommend doing so with an open mind as there's definitely a bit of an adjustment period you'll need to go through.

Whatever your thoughts on the matter may be, you can learn more about Darkest Dungeon 2, as well as read some of the player reviews, over at Steam. Enjoy!

Darkest Dungeon 2 roguelike indie game screenshot of the combat

Darkest Dungeon 2 roguelike indie game screenshot of the Sacred Pier

Darkest Dungeon 2 roguelike indie game screenshot of the coach exploring the world

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