Celeste official artwork without the logo

Celeste was originally going to get a couple of new levels in early 2019 in order to celebrate the momentous 500,000 copies sold milestone. However, as the developers continued to work on the free DLC, it quickly became obvious that this one is going to be a little bit more than just a "couple" of new levels. 

If you're now wondering just how much the project ballooned out of control, you might be shocked to hear that Celeste's free Chapter 9 update has just arrived with over 100 new levels! Naturally, these aren't fully-fledged and absolutely gigantic levels, but rather screens filled with puzzles and obstacle courses. Even so, there is still a ton of new content to mess around with!

As for the levels themselves, they offer a combination of old and new mechanics, as well as a couple of neat new toys to play around with. I won't go into too many details as I don't want to ruin any of the surprises, but let's just say that some of the levels are so tricky you'll be expected to use speedrunning strategies in order to get through them. It might sound overwhelming right now, but Chapter 9 does a pretty good job of teaching you what to do, so approach it with a willingness to learn and you should have a pretty good time with the new levels.

You can learn a little bit more about Celeste, as well as potentially grab yourself a copy, over at the official website. Have fun with Chapter 9!

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