Dead Cells' The Bad Seed DLC official artwork and logo

[Update #2]: The Bad Seed DLC has now arrived, and so far it has received some pretty good reviews across the board.

[Update]: The Bad Seed's latest preview has shown off the new enemies, items and boss, as well as finally revealed the release date.

If you've managed to complete every challenge Dead Cells' has placed in front of you and you're still eager for more, you might be glad to hear that the developers have now announced the very first DLC. The Bad Seed DLC will bring with it two new levels to play through (the Arboretum and the Swamp), as well as a brand new boss called 'Mama Tick' that will share quite a few features with its Starship Troopers counterpart.

While the recently posted teaser trailer doesn't offer much in terms of details, it will give you a little bit of a sneak peek at one of the new zones. Have a gander:

Needless to say, since the DLC itself is somewhat limited in scope, the price is also quite low. In other words, once The Bad Seed arrives during the first quarter of 2020, it'll only set you back $5 on both PC and consoles.

As for the future, I'm sure you'll also be glad to hear that this DLC will be used to finance and even further expand Dead Cells. What shape these future expansions will take, only time will tell, but I certainly won't complain about getting more Dead Cells to mess around with, be it through paid or free DLC!

You can learn a little bit more about The Bad Seed DLC by hopping over to Steam.

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